This article will walk you through the steps to submit your proposal to your customers through Fairmarkit.
When one of your customers sends out a Request for Proposal, you'll receive an email that looks something like this:
Clicking the View RFP button will take you to the Fairmarkit Supplier Portal where you can log into your account to review the Request for Proposal.
Once you've logged into your account, click on the Start Your Proposal button to review the customer's request and begin your response.
If the customer has indicated that an NDA is required for this Request for Proposal, you will be met with a pop-up detailing the agreement, with the option to print out a paper copy if necessary. After agreeing to the NDA, you will be taken to the proposal page.
On the proposal page, you will be able to review and provide a response to each individual line item on the Request for Proposal.
You can also Add Files, Notes for the Buyer, review any files the buyer has shared in the Appendix, or directly ask questions of the buyer via the Questions for Buyer internal messaging service.
When the buyer responds to your messages, you will receive an email notification, as well as be able to review their response in the Messaging tab in your Fairmarkit Supplier Portal account. Buyers can also make clarifications to their request, which will be broadcast to all supplier via email, as well as appearing across the top of the request.
After submitting your response to the buyers, you can return to the proposal to make any necessary changes up until the date the request closes.
In the event that you are unable to provide the items or services, the No Bid button, accessible in the email or at the bottom of the bid page, will inform your customer and give you the option to let them know the reason why, whether you are out of stock, do not carry the particular item(s), or for any other reason. This will help our data-driven automation to better recommend you as a potential supplier for future requests.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at
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